Best #shitthatdidnthappen hashtags - #shitthatdidnthappen explore

The hashtag #shitthatdidnthappen is often used on social media platforms to sarcastically or humorously express skepticism or disbelief towards a story or claim that someone has shared. It is typically used when there is a strong suspicion that the presented information is exaggerated, fabricated, or highly unlikely to have occurred.

#shitthatdidnthappen #fakestory #madeuptale #fabricatedevent #bogusclaim #talltale #falsenarrative #unbelievablestory #fictionalaccount #imaginaryevent #nottrue #nowaythathappened #fairytale #liesanddeception #falseanecdote #inventedstory #storyoftheimagination #unrealisticclaim #purefabrication #fictitiousevent